

Are you very ambitious with only your career meter ticking in your head? Do you have die at desk mentality? Do you treat your dates also like another ‘to do’ chore featuring on your daily organizer? If yes, then you are a workaholic and no wonder you aren’t getting anywhere really with your love life.

Here are some tips that will tame the workaholic in you and will help you see life from another angle.

1. Figure if you are a workaholic and accept the trouble with it
Being focused on work is great but you must accept that work cannot be your only companion. Every thing worthy demands time and finding a partner and later keeping him happy takes time as well. So you need to take out that time from your schedule and you need to invest you energy and effort if you really want to take a relationship further. Begin by accepting that you are a workaholic and that you need to look beyond work for a fulfilling life. Promise yourself some personal time and take it from here.

2. Get your priorities right
When someone tells you they are too busy to call, they are really telling you that you aren’t in their priority list. When you tell your potential date or your partner this repeatedly, they obviously realize that they are low on priority for you and move on at the first opportunity. Love doesn’t happen by chance. And even if it does, sustaining it and nurturing it does not happen by chance. So get your priorities right and let your actions reflect this. If your date or partner are important to you then don’t let your busy schedule reflect something else. Nurture your love with gestures and words that express that you care.

3. Rule your own life
Ask your self – do your dates usually get rescheduled and rescheduled again because of your busy and erratic work life? Has your partner walked out on you with the crib that you never have time for him and that you never ever give him the attention and the care he looks for? If yes, then you really need to get a grip on your life. Maybe you really don’t need to work the hours you do, but you have gotten into a routine and you have been working crazily ever after. Sure, work emergencies come up, but you need to realize that you are in control of your life. Not your boss. So learn to take a call.

4. Concentrate on your date when you are with them
When you are with your date, pay attention, listen and talk to him since that is the only way you will figure if you connect or not. Use the time you are with him to truly get to know him, instead of thinking of your pending job list. Switch off that cell phone which is ringing forever and take a decision to remove office from your mind completely for those few moments.

5. Communicate!
When you are at the office, take time during the day to email him or send him a quick sms to let him know you are thinking of him. Do this while you are traveling or taking a tea break or waiting for a meeting to happen. The idea is to find time to connect with him in such a way that your work doesn’t suffer either. Yes, it is bound to take effort on your part but all relationships do. And it’s worth it.

6. Don’t let your married colleagues take you for granted
Being a single at work usually spells trouble. It means that you will be loaded with the extra work of your married cohorts. It means that you will be doing the late hours that are meant to be done by them. It means that your meeting a date will not be considered important as compared to their wanting to pick up their children from daycare. It means that you handle all business emergencies by staying on late while they leave on time each day. But it’s time you conveyed to them that even if you aren’t married, you need time for your personal recreation, that you are not available and that your time is just as valuable as theirs.

You will have to make some lifestyle changes if you want a successful dating life or a flourishing relationship. You will have to go out of your way and break the “work spell” for a successful dating life. So make that start now and you will soon reap the benefits. All the best!

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